
Title: Teacher for a Day

Genre: Picture Book

Stage of completion: Beginning to sparkle, but in need of a little more editing.

Synopsis: Emma is a 9 year old girl with a care-free attitude to life and the belief that teachers have far too many rules. When she wins the opportunity to be teacher for a day she seizes it as an opportunity to prove that children don't need rules to keep them out trouble. Her classmates are thrilled with her idea for a fun-filled Friday and Emma looks set to prove her point...but will all go according to plan?


“This is going to be the most fantastic, fun-filled Friday ever.” Emma grinned. “Today there’ll be no lessons and only one rule.” She tickled the pen across the whiteboard, giggling.
         Seats squeaked as her classmates craned their necks to see what she was writing. There was a brief pause…followed by an eruption of applause. On the board, in bright red letters, were the words ‘TODAY THERE ARE NO RULES’.

Title: Supermarket Spinout (working title)

Genre: Picture Book

Stage of completion: Second draft, but in need of more chiseling in order to get to the gem inside.

Synopsis: Coming soon...

Excerpt: Coming soon...

Title: Zoo Mystery

Genre: Middle Grade mystery novel

Stage of completion: First draft in progress.

Synopsis: Coming soon...

Excerpt: Coming soon...