It's week 2 of Deana Barnhart's 'Gearing Up to Get an Agent' blogfest and I can't wait to get stuck in.
The Challenge: a story chain!
I love this idea and have tried it in the classroom with my students before. Some children really got into it were great at ending on a cliffhanger that gave the next child something to work with...others were less than impressed, or so they said - but their pleasure upon hearing other people's wacky additions to the story was obvious.
I just hope I'm not the dud of the group. I'd hate to be 'the kid' who leaves the story on a flat note and has the next person in line cursing and wanting to throttle me.
I found this really useful video. That's about as far as I've got, but I'll keep you posted on how I get on with my agent research in the coming days.
12 July 2011 at 05:18
Vicky, I'm sure whatever you come up with will be interesting! I've never done a blogchain thing before, so I'm a little nervous too, but it's all for fun, right?
I'm starting to look for an agent for one of my novels too. I've been collecting names that sound like they might fit my work at the back of my writing notebook.